our big idea
Making Healthcare services accessible to anyone around the world
Have you ever wondered at what angle your body lies during sleep? Have you ever tried to explain to your family doctor how you felt physically two weeks ago? Have you ever wished that if only you knew the health condition of someone you care in time to make a difference?

USB Breathalyzer
Marking your SmartPhone Smarter Enhance your smartphone’s capabilities with the reflex USB Breathalyzer. Instantly measure breath alcohol content, ensuring safety on the go. Connect, test, and stay informed for smarter decisions anytime, anywhere. model USB Basic USB PRO unit cost

Smart Food Scale
ReFleX Wireless was the first company in the world to commercialize a Bluetooth enabled smart food scale in March 2013. After several evolutions, the design of the smart food scale has improved to better reflect the life style of our

Inappropriate sleep positions can have significant negative effect on many forms of sleep-disordered breathing, such as UARS, sleep apnea and snoring. Irrespective of the types of breathing disorders, left/right lateral is regarded as the best sleep position. As a tool

reflex smart hub
reflex smart hub is a wireless infrastructure solution for enabling 2-way communication among wireless sensors that requires long battery life and frequent data communication. key featuress 2.4GHz or sub-GHz 2-way communication 30m ~ 1000m range Ethernet/Cellular/LoRa back hulk connection end-to-end

Simpocare Personal Help Line
The Simpocare Personal Help Line solution is primarily been adopted in the senior care sector.For more information on additional applications such as lone worker, please contact us HERE. For senior care solutions please visit www.simpocare.com

AQWave PPG Recorder
AQWave Analytics is designed to analyzed arterial wave form from AQWave PPG Recorder to extract information such as respiration rate and sympathetic tones. The solution is mostly adopted by medical researchers and professional sports atheletes.The software is available in both Desktop and